Generate new revenue streams by activating your customers with retail media

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Régie Enseigne
Un savoir-faire forgé au fil de milliers de campagnes
A know-how forged through thousands of campaigns

Our teams have been working for 18 years with brands and retailers to maximize the effectiveness of product and category activation campaigns. These thousands of campaigns have allowed us to develop a recognized know-how and expertise.

Benefit from our operational excellence

Our dedicated teams provide continuous support throughout the campaigns, fostering long-lasting partnerships, some with over 10 years of collaboration with Budgetbox

Bénéficiez de notre excellence opérationnelle
Optez pour un partenaire de confiance pour votre régie retail media
Choose a trusted partner for your retail media management

Thanks to our expertise and flexibility, our teams will adapt to your needs to deploy targeted campaigns that address your technological and economic challenges

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